Hey Reader! It has been a while since I have done a discussion post so I thought it was time to rectify. Hopefully I’ll be putting up at least one in a month.

If you’ve read my big books post then you know I’m attempting to read 5 big books on my tbr. I had to make the conscious effort to do this because for the longest time I have been avoiding big books. One, they’re intimidating and two, big books are usually a gamble. For me I consider a long book to be over 500 pages, and a short book 200 and below pages.

Now with longer books, you get to know the characters better and see their development, the plot is better fleshed out and you get to enjoy the story longer. If well done. The book needs to be interesting because long books are time consuming, and can you imagine having read such a big book only to give it 3 or less stars because it wasn’t good? That would annoy me.

On the other hand we have short books, which are also a gamble. Having an author get your attention from the first page to the last, without losing it is an art. I love short and sharp books. I love short books that pack a punch. I love short books that get to the point and don’t drag along, only to rush the ending because the story has to end. The problem with short books, some have really small fonts so that they can accommodate the whole book which could be solved by just making the book slightly longer, and then there are those tiny books that just put you in a reading slump.

Finding the perfect length of a book is actually an art. There are certain books that need every page and there others that could be shorter, and then there are books that need more pages. I have had the pleasure in reading such in each category and I have come to the conclusion that my ideal book is between 300 – 350 pages. Long enough to give me what I’m looking for, and short enough to not intimidate me.

I have seen publishers coming out with different book formats (taller paperbacks?) to accommodate the book and I find I love this. So if I’m asked, does size in books matter? I would say yes. The length could make or break a book.

What do you think about book sizes? Which is your preferred length? Let me know in the comments.