“When faced with a thing that is fragile & perfect in a world that is ugly & crushing & cruel the correct course of action is: Give it no name.”

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 318

Published: 5 March, 2013

Rate: 3 ⭐⭐⭐

Goodreads Synopsis

Meet the Sais, a Nigerian-Ghanaian family living in the United States. A family prospering until the day father and surgeon Kweku Sai is victim of a grave injustice. Ashamed, he abandons his beautiful wife Fola and their little boys and girls, causing the family to fracture and spiral out into the world – New York, London, West Africa, New England – on uncertain, troubled journeys until, many years later, tragedy unites them. Now this broken family has a chance to heal – but can the Sais take it?

My Take

Ghana Must Go was a major miss for me. The first part of the book had me so confused and for a moment there I contemplated giving up and DNFing it.
What I didn’t like was the many digressions. Each character had their own story and I feel like they didn’t merge well and the flow wasn’t there. This led to forgetting a lot of the plot lines. The characters were easily forgettable too.

Ghana Must Go touches on race, gender, class, ambition and social status. It was interesting to see each character’s take on the subject(s). Taiye’s prose is beautifully written and the language is engaging. I liked that. But other than that, there’s nothing much I can say about it.

“If you love someone you show them.”

I feel like this is a book that you either like it or you don’t. I didn’t enjoy it as much, it just didn’t hook me.

Have you read Ghana Must Go? What are your thoughts?