“… Sometimes it feels like the world is so much better outside of here.”

I really want to say thank you to the author, Jennifer Leigh, for organizing the blog tour and providing a copy of the book for review.

Genre: Young Adult, Mystery

Published: June 15th, 2018

Rate: 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Goodreads Synopsis

Ryan can’t seem to get her memories in order. When she breaks it off with her long-term boyfriend, Corey, she can’t help but feel free. But mysterious events keep Ryan asking “just what happened?” After her family moved to Ryton, after Carter goes missing, after Jacob is in the hospital. All of these afters, but Ryan can’t remember the befores. With Harper and Elliot by her side, Ryan can only hope that she does not forget… again. Will Ryan be able to recover her memory to figure out what happened when it all went dark?

My Take

It’s been a while since I quite enjoyed a mystery like I did Not Like Everyone Else and I can honestly say the book did not disappoint. It kept me at the edge of my seat wondering what’s going to happen next. I’m going to give you 4 reasons why you should read NLEE.

  • Suspense! Suspense! Not Like Everyone Else pulled me in from the get go. It starts with an eerie passage from a a stranger and has you asking questions that only the book can answer.
  • The prose style and language. The ability to construct vivid images that evoke all sorts of emotions in you. I was sad, happy, shocked, excited, and even horrified all through the book. What I’m saying this book gave me all the feels and I couldn’t have it any other way.
  • Trigger Warning: there is domestic abuse and assault in the book and I’m really grateful to the author for highlighting that at the start of the book. Knowing what to expect and if you can handle it.
  • The characters are real. The book revolves around the life of Ryan who is in college and it actually stays true to that. No exaggerations or pretensions, rom her friendships to her relationships, it all felt very relatable.

“The world is a big scary place for a single person to go alone.”

Not Like Everyone Else has really short chapters but very profound and it was easy to understand and connect the plot. I finished the book in less than 2 days!

I really do recommend the book if you’re looking for a new thriller to add to your tbr.

For the Giveaway

Click here to enter the giveaway. It ends in 7 days.

I’ll leave the blog tour schedule down below if you want to check out the other blogs.

Happy Friday. ☺